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Artist: Vone Petson

Life is short, long, art. (Seneca)

About the Brevity of Life, by the curator and visual artist Vone Petson, it is an exhibition that seeks to discuss aspects of life, seen from the perspective of life as a weave - threads that intersect with the warp - and that composes the everything that is the subject. Petson addresses in his works the premise that the awareness of finitude, of the mortal destiny of the human being, can teach something about life itself. The way of looking at life has to do with the way of looking at living. Finitude and infinity.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The destination is represented here through the figures of the Greek Moiras that had the spindle, the spinning wheel, the threads and the weave as their magic symbol. According to mythology, they spun, measured and cut the thread of life, chanting songs that predicted the fates of newborns and appeared as triple goddesses or triads of elderly goddesses, wrapped in hooded robes or dressed in white, black or with different ages the colors of your clothes (white, red, black).

We are a family owned and operated business.

White, red, black and gold are the predominant colors in the exhibition. White represents destiny, red is linked to the meaning of life, black is linked to death and gold is linked to spirituality.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Seneca, in Brevity of life, when she speaks of death, says that normally people regret that life is too short. He replies that it is not the extension (brief or long) of life that matters most, but knowing how to live "we don't exactly have a short life, but we waste a large part of it" (p. 26).

We are a family owned and operated business.

The artist also addresses two themes that have been worked on throughout the History of Art: “Vanitas” and “Memento mori”. Both discuss "vanity" and can be understood as an allusion to the insignificance of earthly life and the ephemerality of vanity.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The most beautiful thing that this exhibition brings to its viewers is the sense it produces about life, that life is beautiful and brief, for this reason, we need to appreciate it more acutely.

Geovana Lima

September 1st to October 30th, 2016

09h to 14h and 18h to 22h


Contemporary Quadra Restaurant

Block 103 South, Rua SO 11, Lote 01

Palmas - Tocantins

Cultural Support
Brevidade da Vida

Brevidade da Vida

Pintura e bordado sobre tecido. R$ 1,000,00

Memento Mori

Memento Mori

Colagem e pintura sobre papel. R$ 200,00

Tecendo a vida

Tecendo a vida

Pintura e bordado sobre tecido, roca e fios dourados. R$ 2.500,00



Moldura de resina, Espelho com gravação a ácido. R$ 350,00

Tempo Breve

Tempo Breve

Técnica mista: folha de ouro e xilogravura sobre papel. R$ 120,00



Poema - recorte de um livro, colagem, pintura e bordado. R$120,00



Cadernos com desenhos e bordados. R$500,00

O filho das estrelas

O filho das estrelas

Desenho, colagem, folha de ouro e bordado. R$120,00

Senhoras do destino

Senhoras do destino

Tríptico: Colagem de tecido sobre papel, pintura e bordado. R$ 360,00

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